Lots of people ask this question if American fighter planes are better in design or Russian. Well what we have to see here is that what these airforce really want, Russians have lots of ideas but don’t have enough cash to put them to use, on the other hand US has enough cash so they make their planes as per their airforce requirements.
Lets look at fighter planes of both of these airforces:
4.5 gen fighters:
F-15SE (Long range air superiority fighter)
F-16 FF (Multi-role medium range fighter)
F-18SH (Multi-role naval fighter)
5 gen fighters:
F-22(Long range air superiority fighter)
F-35A(multi-role fighter)-future
F-35B (naval version)-future
Russian Airforce:
4.5 gen fighters
Su-27 ‘Flanker-B’ (Air superiority long range fighter)
Su-30 ‘Flanker-C’ (variant of Su-27)
Su-33 ‘Flanker-D’ (variant of Su-27 naval)
Su-35 ‘Flanker-E'(variant of Su-27)
MiG-29 ‘Fulcrum’ (multi role medium range fighter)
MiG-31 ‘Foxhound-A
5 gen fighters:
Su-PAK FA (Air superiority fighter) -future
We see here that Russians have so many variants of Su-27. But USAF have different designs for each planes, I mean F-16 is completely different from F-18 and so on. But the Russian planes are easy to maintain and cheaper.