Protests increasing in the last four days across Iran has made the top officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran very uneasy. Calls for severe actions against protestors has backfired against the government.
Today an unusually large number of aircraft with no Call-signs and unidentifiable destination were seen leaving Iran on FlightRadar. Speculations of the members of the government and rich fleeing Iran are being discussed by analysts familiar with the incident in Iran.
Long haul aircraft like Airbus A340 from Iran Aseman Airlines are being flown to unknown destinations.
Protests have been spreading across Iran, making the government of Islamic Republic of Iran very uneasy
The unusual aircraft movement have been reported from the last 24 hours.
The protests were initially for economic woes, against the high price of goods and commodities, turned to protesting Iranian involvement in the Middle East, as well as Ayatollah Khamenei, the current Supreme leader of Iran, and the Islamic government itself. In many protests throughout the country people showed support and remembered Reza Shah regime.